Early Digital Learning Programme

Upload Content

Modified: October 19, 2021

You can upload your own content using this feature. Uploaded content can be viewed both in teacher and students’ curriculum view under additional resources.

To upload a file:

Fill all the mandatory fields like name, subject and select the file from the system to upload.


  • Files up to 50MB can only be uploaded
  • Uploaded files will be displayed in the curriculum after 10 mins of upload

pic 01: Upload content page

Supported file extensions:

  1. PNG
  2. WEBM
  3. MP3/4
  4. OGG
  5. WAV
  6. JPG
  7. BMP
  8. PDF

It is necessary to map/tag the correct Subject name.

Pic 02: Uploading a file

After initiating the file upload, a window saying “upload successful” will pop up, this signifies that the file will be uploaded and that it will be available for view.

Pic 03: After uploading content

Uploaded file will be available for view under the additional resource selection.

Pic 04: Uploaded file in curriculum

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